Here are some links to other websites that offer valuable services to you:
Boom is a new radio station which Richard discovered a few years ago and enjoys listening to regularly. There are many familiar presenters from other radio stations like Bob Harris and David Hamilton and the music played is just the music for you (if you were around in the sixties, seventies and eighties!). Nothing like a bit of nostalgia!
Radio Caroline is now a 24/7 album station featuring music from across the decades up to and including new music. Broadcasting on 648 AM, on DAB and around
the world online at
Write Your Own Autobiography – The Easy Way It couldn’t be easier to write your own autobiography. Just answer simple questions about your life, add your photos and documents and autodotbiography turns them into a beautifully written, lavishly illustrated, hardback book. From the facts you supply we create your book. A professional writer would charge you between £2,000 and £30,000. You get all the skill of a ghost writer, at a fraction of the cost. The gift of your lifetime. To see more details click on the logo above.
Start Building Your Own Family Tree Now Ancestry has spent more than a decade building the world’s largest online family history resource – including historical records, photos, stories, family trees and a collaborative community of millions. Our Tree Builder makes it easy to create your family tree. It doesn’t matter how much you know – just start with yourself and we’ll help you go further. If you don’t know where to start or you’re not sure where to turn next, we’ll point you in the right direction. Our Help & Advice Centre is packed with helpful tips and video tutorials.
Click on the logo above for your free 14 day Trial
Jayne Shrimpton Photograph Dating Service
Jayne Shrimpton MA, photo dating expert and dress historian, offers a professional service to individuals and organisations wishing to date old photographs and artworks. She works mainly with family historians, dating old photos and analysing family pictures, but also helps institutions and groups who would like to date an old photo or understand their vintage image collection.
Click on logo above to visit site
This site provides an overview of the First World War battlefields on the Western Front by showing you where they are and what you can see there today. Established in 1998, the website is dedicated to the memory of 20 family members who served in the military during the Great War of 1914-1918.
Click on logo above to visit website.