No Risk Photograph Restoration -
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Reigate & Banstead Mayors Have Been Restored!

We were asked by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council to restore 49 faded framed portraits of their Mayors going back many years. This involved removing the existing photographs from their frames, scanning and digitally restoring each one as well as reintroducing all the red and gold elements of many.  Here is just one of the worse ones showing before and after our restoration.

Photographs Forever Before and After

When all 49 were fully restored we printed them all on archive grade paper (so the fading will no longer be an issue going forward) and replaced them in their original frames.  Here they are safely reinstalled and being regularly enjoyed by all visitors the the Town Hall.

Photographs Forever

Removing All The Unwanted Parts…

Our customer is creating a gallery of his grandchildren’s’ sports photos and this photo had lots of unneccesary elements he wanted removed.

He was very pleased with the two 16″ x 12″ canvases he ordered of the final image


Re-Enacted Scene From Years Gone By

Photograph Colourisation Example

Initially, Keith asked us to restore the picture of him and his sister in Trafalgar Square when they were children. A few months later he came back to us with a re-enacted picture of the two of them taken recently that they wanted to gift to their mum, and we helped to get it looking as close to the original as possible.


Composite Photograph Created From 2 Existing Photographs

Here’s a photograph montage we completed for our client Stephen F

Here’s Stephen’s feedback:
“The photo is of myself and my grandson Dylan and individual photos were taken 15 years apart. Dylan’s father actually asked if I’d got dressed in my old uniform to have that photo taken, he couldn’t believe the one of myself was 15 years old.  I’ve spoken to Dylan and my daughter (his mum) and they are also very happy that you are considering using that photo as they both love it and can’t get over how good it is.”

We Can Sharpen Face Detail in Your Photographs

We now have the ability to sharpen up those out of focus faces that many old photographs suffer from. Sharpening face detail restores lost detail and brings back the true skin tones and all aspects of face detail

Here’s the difference

sharpen face detail

What’s YOUR Most Important, Irreplaceable Possession?


2020 has been a very unusual year in so many ways for all of us. One factor that has occurred to many of us is the importance of the family and close relationships as we have had time to reflect.

I will be moving to a smaller house soon and, as I have to get rid of quite a lot of ‘stuff’,  it has occurred to me that when I look around the house to decide what’s precious, there really is very little that I couldn’t live without. Except photographs. Photographs are one of the very few things that can’t be replaced and they are therefore possibly our most important and valuable possession.

Because we have all had more time on our hands than usual, photograph collections that have been overlooked for years have finally been finding the light of day and getting them scanned and either optimised or fully restored has enabled these very special photographs to be enjoyed so much more. 

So, if you haven’t checked out your own photograph collection yet, there is no better time than the cold dark winter months. Apart from anything else, it is actually a very enjoyable exercise. So make that diary note to do it. You’ll be glad you did. 





Top Quality Framing For Your Restored Photograph

There has been a very big increase in the number of photographs I have received because going through the masses of old family photographs is a job that is so often put off by many people due to lack of time and for these past few months have provided  the time and the environment to tackle the task. It’s always much more fun than people expect. And the rewards are huge.

I am now very excited to be able to offer you a top quality bespoke framing service. This means I can offer custom size prints, mounts and frames to show off your restored photographs in the best way possible so they can receive the attention and admiration they deserve.

The most popular moulding is the solid wood satin black or mahogany with single or double mounts.

Satin Black Frame

Satin Black Frame


Mahogany frame

Mahogany frame


I can also provide multi aperture frames – the one below is 20in x 16in with two landscape format 8in x 6in prints and two portrait format 5in x 7in prints. There are several multi aperture options available and the frames can be any size you choose. Heavier mouldings are available for larger sizes.



I can even show you what your photograph will look like before you order including all the relevant dimensions. This is particularly useful if you want a specific frame size to fit a specific space in your house.


A representation of your own photo with dimensions added

A representation of your own photo with dimensions added

Further details are available here

Badly Damaged Photograph Restored

This photograph was in a really bad state as you can see below.

Ann M was very happy with the result. She told me “My Mum’s picture has pride of place on the mantelpiece and is a great talking point for everyone who comes in!  My brother and sisters back in Ireland have been astounded and delighted with the copies I sent them. It has given us all so much happiness.”


Combine Two Separate Photographs Into One

I was provided with two poor quality scans of cut-out damaged photographs that were not to scale with each other and asked to combine them and add a fitting background.

Here’s the result.


Badly Faded Certificate Saved!


My customer Brian C contacted me to restore his Grandfather’s certificate on which the handwritten personal information had badly faded in the frame.  I asked Brian for the story behind his enquiry and he wrote this back to me –  

“The certificate was presented to my Grandfather, an engine driver at Horsham, Sussex when he retired from British Railways in 1964.

It had hung on the wall in his house for many years, in a frame with no mount or seal and in bright sunlight. The effects of this are clear from the pre-restoration pictures.

When he died in 1982, I was given the certificate, which I had properly mounted and framed, however the damage was already done.

I have looked from time to time for somebody to restore it, however those I contacted all said it was too difficult. I saw your website and what you do, the old telegram being the clue, as most of your work is around photographs and I thought I would contact you to see if you could do anything for me. The answer is plain to see – a beautifully restored certificate, which looks like new, and will grace my wall as a nice reminder of my late Grandfather.”