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Top Quality Framing For Your Restored Photograph

There has been a very big increase in the number of photographs I have received because going through the masses of old family photographs is a job that is so often put off by many people due to lack of time and for these past few months have provided  the time and the environment to tackle the task. It’s always much more fun than people expect. And the rewards are huge.

I am now very excited to be able to offer you a top quality bespoke framing service. This means I can offer custom size prints, mounts and frames to show off your restored photographs in the best way possible so they can receive the attention and admiration they deserve.

The most popular moulding is the solid wood satin black or mahogany with single or double mounts.

Satin Black Frame

Satin Black Frame


Mahogany frame

Mahogany frame


I can also provide multi aperture frames – the one below is 20in x 16in with two landscape format 8in x 6in prints and two portrait format 5in x 7in prints. There are several multi aperture options available and the frames can be any size you choose. Heavier mouldings are available for larger sizes.



I can even show you what your photograph will look like before you order including all the relevant dimensions. This is particularly useful if you want a specific frame size to fit a specific space in your house.


A representation of your own photo with dimensions added

A representation of your own photo with dimensions added

Further details are available here

9 Great Ways To Transform Your Photographs

With Christmas now on the horizon here are some ideas for a unique gift that’s ideal for those who can be tricky to find something a bit different.

Here just a few examples of the many ways I can transform your photographs….

If you have a photograph that has faded in its frame, it can be restored and re-coloured.



Two or more photographs can be combined and you can choose the people you want in the finished photo



Family groups can be ‘adjusted’ to include or exclude people!



Couples can finally be together in the same photograph.



Snapshots of pets can be made into portraits or montages



Treasured photographs that have suffered years of damage can be restored to their original state.



Combine a favourite photograph with a more interesting background.



Create a family montage from a selection of favourite photographs

Not sure which photos to use but can see the potential?
A Photographs Forever Gift Voucher of any value could be the answer.

Benefits of Restoring Your Photographs

Restore Your Favourite Photographs Now!

There are many benefits to restoring you old photos. With advances in technology, it’s possible to edit, enhance and save your images in digital files and you can share them with other family members or friends, electronically. Photographs Forever can take a torn or faded photograph and transform it into a beautifully-restored photo, suitable for framing.

Here are just some of the benefits of restoring your favourite photographs.

Preservation of your original images
Perhaps the primary benefit of restoring old photos is the preservation of your original images. In the case of deteriorating photographs, time may be of the essence. Since the oldest photographs are not on archival paper or finished to protect them from fading, professional restoration, editing or preservation will prevent further deterioration. It’s possible you have stored an old box of photos in your attic or basement, away from sunlight or moisture. You should be aware that degradation and fading can occur, even without any direct exposure to daylight.

Enlargements are possible
Many precious old photographs, often the last copy in existence, are good quality but too small to see the detail. Restoration not only captures the image electronically but then allows the restored photograph to be enlarged so prints and enlargements can be made or framed so they can be truly enjoyed in all their glory.

Eliminate scratches, folds, tears and fading
Since old photographs have a tendency to degrade over time, professional photo restorers have developed digital techniques for restoring your old photographs and they can eliminate scratches, cracks, tears, and fading as well as repair other damage. There are ways you can restore your photographs for yourself using programs such as Picasa by Google. For the best outcome though, expert advice should be considered.

Genealogical benefits
For those building their family trees photographs can be an integral part of finding out more details about ancestors. There are many details in photographs many of which cannot be seen until the photograph has been restored.

Electronic storage and ease of sharing
Restoring your old photos allows them to be converted to digital images, which are easy to store and share with friends or family. With advances in technology, it’s possible to take an entire photo collection and store it on CD or DVD. This can be a convenient way to retrieve a particular group of photographs or safely secure an additional copy, which will last into the next century. You can share digital copies through email or print as many copies as you need. You can even duplicate on archive paper entire photo albums that will last long into the future with no deterioration due to the archive paper used.

These are just some of the benefits of restoring your old photos. So check your own favourite family photographs now. Select the most important ones and get them scanned and restored so that you, your family and future generations will have the pleasure of enjoying them.

Win Your Own Biography And Restored Photographs – Mature Times Competition

Win your own biography, and restored photographs – courtesy of Autodotbiography and Photographs Forever

Friday, 13 July 2012

Autodot biography_2

Autodot biography_1








Just imagine holding a beautiful book written by your great grandfather telling you all about his life, his hopes, his dreams, his triumphs and disasters. Now imagine your great grandchildren holding just such a book of your life. It would be their most precious possession. Now it is possible for everyone to write a beautiful book about their life for their family.

Autodotbiography is a unique online system that makes it possible for anyone, no matter how skilled or unskilled at writing, to create their own life story in a beautifully written, lavishly illustrated hardback book.

It is incredibly easy to do, all you have to do is gather up your favourite photographs and important documents; then take a trip down memory lane and answer simple questions about your life andAutodotbiography will take the words and pictures and turn them into a beautiful book that becomes a family heirloom.

All you would need to do is collect together your favourite photos to scan into your computer.

Photographs are a vital part in telling any life story and all too often the most precious ones are faded or damaged. Most of the photograph papers and inks used up until recently have not been archival quality, and as a result, many photo prints show signs of fading and colour shifts after only a few years.

Photograph restoration1

That’s where Photographs Forever come in. Photographs Forever are a photograph restoration company offering a reliable photo restoration and photo retouching service and quality photo editing service that is reasonably priced and a service that you can trust.

Poor storage practices such as keeping photos in attics or basements or allowing photos to be exposed to sunlight, have also contributed to the poor condition of most photo collections.  People don’t realise there is a problem until they take a look at their photo collection after many years of storage. Once restored, the photos can be copied to CD or DVD for long-term storage and safekeeping.

Photograph restoration3

During the restoration process it is also possible for Photographs Forever to improve the quality of the original photograph – for example removal of spots, stains, marks, tears as well as improving contrast, brightness, colour balance and enhance detail, focus and sharpness. It is also possible to add colour to black and white photographs, as well as being able to make quality enlargements for framing. Photo retouching makes all the difference.

Mature Times is extremely lucky to be able to give one lucky reader the chance to have all of their memories restored and collected together into a fantastic Autodotbiography – courtesy of Autodotbiography and Photographs Forever.

To be in with a chance of winning, simply click here, enter your full name and address and tell us why you think you should win.

This competition closes on 16th August 2012


Make The Most of Your Restored Photograph – With a Framed Enlargement

People often think that when they have a photograph restored, the finished restored print will only be the same size as the original. It’s true that it can be, but what is often overlooked is that after a photograph has been digitally restored, the finished image can be printed virtually any size.  It can be printed smaller for a locket or a special frame and, more importantly, it can be enlarged to a size at which you can see the detail of the original photo.

Here’s an example…
Below is the print that I was given to work from, originally a good quality studio portrait and the only remaining print was this deteriorated one, which was about 4 inches x 3inches.
Compare the “before” print to the finished enlargement after I had restored the image and you can now see the original detail in all its glory….

If this was your grandma, what a great picture to frame and put on the wall for all to enjoy


Drawings, Documents, Artwork and Paintings Can All Be Restored!

Although photograph restoration is the most popular part of work that I carry out, I thought it worth mentioning that I also restore many other types of things that people have and that is deteriorating.  I recently restored a drawing that was made by my customer’s friend in the 70s and, over the years it had become torn, dog eared and generally looking very sorry for itself. The original also had a message from the artist on the reverse side. To reach the final result I scanned the original drawing and scanned the message. I then restored the drawing and superimposed the message on to the same image. I then made a enlargement print on archive paper and mounted this in a plain black wooden frame.
Here’s the before and after:

Do you have precious unique documents such as Birth Certificates, School Reports, Qualification Certificates, Death Certificates, Wills or any other documents that should be digitally preserved or shared with other members of the family? If you are creating your family album you could add images of important documents.

What about the children’s artwork?  Their wonderful creative drawings and paintings are nearly always done on the cheapest paper, the paint fades, they get crumpled up and torn. Save them now. I will scan them and then you’ll images you can print, put into photo books and share with the family

Do you have negatives of possibly precious photographs and lost the prints?
Do you have a collection of negatives and you’ve no idea what the images on them are of?

I can scan your negatives whether they are 35mm or 127, 126, 120 roll film and provide you with positive images as data files, which I can then restore if necessary or just print your favourites.

You may, like me, have a load of 35mm or 6cm slides from the 70’s and 80’s but no longer have a projector that works. Let me scan and improve the best ones so you can enjoy them again.  They are often really high quality and make great enlargements.

So don’t delay, look out those precious documents, drawings, artwork, negatives, slides and of course those fantastic old family photographs and let me restore them, repair them, retouch them so you and your family and friends can enjoy them forever.



Photograph Restoration Service Meets Autobiography

My work in photograph restoration and photograph retouching has led increasingly to different types of people who want their photographs repaired. Many of my customers are studying their own family trees and family histories which led to an interest in my own family history. And it’s just that one thing leads to another….

On my recent visit to Who Do You Think You Are – Live Show, one of the most interesting exhibits I found was Autodotbiography. This is a company set up by Bryher Scudamore (for many years the producer of the TV programme That’s Life with Esther Rantzen) who wanted to make writing your own autobiography as easy as possible, having realised how little she knew of her ancestors.

For a single cost you have access to the Autodotbiography website and template of an autobiography structure that Bryher has spent years developing and, when completed, you have a fully bound hard backed book of your own life so far with up to 300 photographs and unlimited words.


To make writing your own autobiography even easier there are lots of pre-written wordings to introduce each section of the book which you can choose from, edit, or just use as inspiration to write your own wording. That’s what struck me first, the fact that the structure is all there, and also it’s just a great trip down memory lane for me with the hard work of the overall structure taken care of.  It really couldn’t be easier.
Click  here  for more details now.

Since the loss of my own parents, I have often thought how little I really know about them and my grandparents’ earlier lives.  It made me realise the value of writing the story of my own life, for my children. The bonus I discovered is that it’s also great fun remembering and documenting everything as you are helped and guided by the series of questions devised for the reason. I know from my own photograph restoration and photograph retouching customers, that many of them think no one will be interested in their old photographs and stories as well as memories of the past but, believe me, as you get older your interest in earlier times increases dramatically. Photograph restoration and photograph repair as well as photo retouching can make virtually every photograph so much more enjoyable.

I have a photograph of my grandparents that I have restored and am really fond of. It’s on my study wall and I look at it and enjoy it every single day.

All I know about the photograph is what someone had made the time to scribble on the back “Isle of Man, 1910”, five years before my mother was born. I would love to know more about their lives at that time and now, of course, I will never know.

Writing your own autobiography is something you really should consider so that your descendants and family will know about your life and times. So now that I have started writing my own autobiography, I’m finding it really good fun. Autodotbiography has made it very simple by creating a template of the different stages of your life – earliest memories, schools, jobs, family life etc. –  They have created a vast series of questions which act as a memory joggers. I am really enjoying remembering all the times and events that these questions uncover. Because each section of the book you’re creating is clearly separated, it’s easy to add any information to any section, whenever you remember something new.

You can also add your restored photographs, school reports, birth certificates and any other important photographs and documents as well as your family tree information.  So you can make it your family photograph album too by adding all your favourite photographs with descriptions. This will very soon become a valuable family heirloom!

With Father’s Day just around the corner, it is often difficult to find a special present for fathers and grandfathers. So, get together as a family and give your precious dad or granddad an autobiography. What a gift!






Win Photograph Restoration Worth £50

The Federation Of Family History Societies is running a competition that is open to all.

Here are the details:

This Month’s Competition


Photographs Forever

Many of us come across old family photographs during our family history research but sadly some are damaged. We met Richard, who runs Photographs Forever, at this year’s WDYTYA. Photographs Forever provides a quality Photo Restoration, Photo Retouching Service and Photo Editing Service that will restore the life to your photographs. They will scan or (re-photograph) your photographs in high resolution, restore and provide digital files and/or fresh new prints of your old photographs to give them a new lease of life and help them to last.

For your chance to win a fabulous photograph restoration prize worth £50.00, answer the following question – Name the four photograph restoration services offered by Photographs Forever and email your answer with “Photos Forever” in the subject line to by 8 June 2012.

Enter now and GOOD LUCK!!

If you would like to see the remainder of the May Ezine from the Federation of Family History Societies, here’s the link:



Family Tree Maker – New 2012 Version Now Available

Family Tree Maker is a computer program which I can thoroughly recommend. This software makes researching your family tree really easy and great fun .

I bought Family Tree Maker myself a couple of months ago and found many of its features fascinating.  You input the information you know about your family and this synchronises with on line (this remains private if you wish). One of the advantages of this synchronisation is that if there is someone else registered with Ancestry who is researching someone on your tree you can link with them and share information. I found someone in Switzerland was researching my father’s side of the family and has over 250 people on their tree and my father’s parents died when he 1918 when he was just four years old. So I got an instant link to my father’s relatives.

The Family Tree Maker Program also receives “hints” from Ancestry as there is so much family history information already known about so many people that it makes it very much easier to find those ancestors you know nothing about.

Click on the link below to see full details of what the program offers. Once you start with the program you’ll be fascinated and hooked!

 300x250 FTM



Photographs Forever Promotional Video

I recently added Photographs Forever details and information about Photograph Restoration and Retouching to Yellow Pages Into the bargain they made this little video for me

CLICK >>HERE<< to see Photographs Forever page

Photograph Restoration Services that will help your fading memories last forever. We can bring the best out of all your special photographs. Eliminate fading, tears, scratches..

Photographs Forever will scan your photograph in high resolution, restore and provide fresh new prints to give them a new lease of life and help them to last and be enjoyed forever …

Photographs Forever are Photo Restorers offering a reliable Photo Restoration, Photo Retouching Service and quality Photo Editing Service that is reasonably priced and a service that you can trust.

There are many benefits to restoring old photos, since it is part of preserving family history. With advances in technology, it’s possible to edit, enhance and save your images in digital files so you can share them with other family members or friends, electronically. Professional photo restorers can take a torn or faded photograph and transform it into a beautifully restored photo, suitable for framing.

We will improve the quality of the original photograph – for example removal of spots, stains, marks, tears as well as improving contrast, brightness, colour balance and sharpness.

CALL NOW 01825 74098

Our services & products

photographic processing & printing, photographs, document scanning, digital printing, digital imaging, colour printing, Photograph Restoration, Photograph Restorers, Photograph Restoration Services, black and white photography, commercial & industrial photographers, location photography, pet photography, photo restoration services, portrait photography, digital photography, baby photography, architectural photography, advertising photography, photographers, landscape photography, portfolio photography, press photography,

Payment methods, Cheque,BACS,Cash,Direct Debit,Paypal